20240831 Sat

20240830 Fri

20240829 Thu


Bold new ideas planned for rebuilding Gaza: Venice University signs UNDP agreement for day after


20240828 Wed


20240827 Tue

Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition | France | The Guardian


The British Class System Explained

Dokumentation Protestbrief: „Ablenkung von der größten Gefahr“

Jüdische Intellektuelle kritisieren den Entwurf für eine Antisemitismus-Resolution des Bundestags. Hier veröffentlicht die taz den Protestbrief in Deutsch und Englisch.


20240826 Mon

SubSite – Start (subgenius.com)


A young Israeli man who survived the Nova massacre and witnessed unspeakable horrors recently committed suicide. His family has made public the letter he left behind:

“Hey you, please forgive me! It all started on Thursday, we were dancing and having fun, and come Friday – so much fun all around, seeing friends we haven’t seen in years – we all met to dance and celebrate life. Come Saturday morning, the sun begins to rise, it’s so beautiful as it starts to shine all over everyone.

We’re dancing and happy, hugging, and some of my friends start to leave. Suddenly, rockets start flying over us, I know this, this is my life -I’m from the South. But then there are paragliders- I hope nothing happens to them… Then starts the gunfire – what is going on? We see the truck coming, paratroopers dressed in foreign uniforms – they are killing everyone.

They just killed Shay, they killed Adi. They’re kidnapping that girl, who is sitting there hugging her murdered boyfriend.

Suddenly you run to the bushes where I sit and hide, not uttering a sound from my lips. You’re in the bush next to me, so close, the cries gush out from within you. A terrorist is right above the bush I’m hiding in and I pray he won’t see me, I pray so hard, something I haven’t done my entire life… God can hear my prayer. But you won’t stop crying out loud because with every second, someone gets shot and murdered.

They saw you, they’re dragging you out of the bushes. They’re four and you’re one. You scream for help. One of them punches you to silence you, and you try to fight them while looking towards my direction, for me to save you. But if I step out, we will both get murdered. I want to live! I sit there silently, they start undressing you! I’m crying, I feel like I need to scream but a hand silences me! Maybe it’s the hand of God, or I don’t know who…

They turn you on your stomach and they start raping you, one by one. They turn you around again and they yell at you in English, they want you to see for yourself how they have defeated you.

You try to crawl in my direction and I pray for something to happen, for someone to kill them so you can get out alive, but as you crawl towards me and they’re on top of you – the shot comes. They murdered you, but before they murdered your body they murdered your soul.

I sat there, in the bushes, for hours, I did not come out. I saw a bottle of water next to you and I was so incredibly thirsty, but I couldn’t bear the thought that I should have saved you, so how can I be so disrespectful and drink your water?

I have reached rock bottom, I can’t live anymore. Your look follows me every single day – in the shower, in my sleep, in my room. I couldn’t go back to work, I wasn’t able to. I’ve been to your house. I didn’t tell your parents what you’ve been through, but they’ve been told that your body was abused, I was a witness. I ask for your forgiveness. I am coming to you, to the next great world, I promise to save you there and protect you. Please forgive me!

And don’t worry, I left a note for my family telling them how much I love them, and thanking them for the life they gave me. My sister is having a baby, I thought about sticking around to get to know my nephew, but I don’t think he should know the uncle that couldn’t save you. It’s okay, I’ll watch him from above.”

20240824 Sun

We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable.

American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of the Israel-Hamas war.


Sunday Times: Gun in hand, the Israeli settler tells the Palestinian: I will kill you


ISIS kills Palestinian fighters in Syrian desert

The extremist group has stepped up its attacks on pro-Syrian forces since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza


20240823 Sat

Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s controversial prince (youtube.com) French

Hamas Massacre – October 2023 (hamas-massacre.net)


20240823 Fri

Companies Profiting from the Gaza Genocide


Uncommitted Delegates Launch Sit-In After DNC Rejects Request for a Palestinian Speaker

Watch: Palestinian American Lawmaker Gives Speech the DNC Wouldn’t Allow on Stage Ruwa Romman

Solingen Festival der Vielfalt augenzeugen #politik #solingen #migra… | solingen | TikTok


20240822 Thu

Sawsan Chebli über den Gaza-Krieg: „Ich war eine stolze Deutsche“ – taz.de


Amos Goldberg: Genau so sieht Völkermord aus | JACOBIN Magazin


Liste Gaza – Die Stimme gegen Völkermord bei den NRW 2024 | Liste Gaza


150+ Entertainment Industry Leaders Call on Emmys to Rescind Nomination of Bisan Owda Amidst Ties to Terrorist Organization


20240821 Wed

Yoram Metzger was murdered in captivity. Assessment: The 5 abductees suffocated to death due to fire from an IDF attack (ynet.co.il)


20240820 Tue


20240819 Mon

20240818 Sun

Professorin verbreitet Terror-Propaganda | Jüdische Allgemeine (juedische-allgemeine.de)


20240817 Sat

EU says further mpox cases are likely to be found soon in Europe | DW Analysis

Lanz Gaza Zu Gast: Politikerin Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Virologe Hendrik Streeck, Journalist Nikolaus Blome und Reporterin Sophia Maier


Patrick Münz (Hilfsorganisation Cadus) zur aktuellen humanitären Situation im Gazastreifen |15.08.24

20240816 Fri


We Served on Israel’s Sde Teiman Base. Here’s What We Did to Gazans Detained There


20240815 Thu


20240814 Wed

TOBIAS HUCH – Die Menschen in Gaza


Die Geschichte Palästinas im 20. Jahrhundert, Teil 1: 1896-1939

Die Geschichte Palästinas im 20. Jahrhundert, Teil 2: 1939-1949 und Epilog 1977

20240813 Tue

Bold new ideas planned for rebuilding Gaza: Venice University signs UNDP agreement for day after


20240812 Mon

Richard Lugner ist 91-jährig gestorben – Wien – derStandard.at › Panorama


20240811 Sun

Four men jailed for combined eight years and three months following violent disorder in Southport and Liverpool | Merseyside Police


20240810 Sat

20240809 Fri

20240808 Thu


20240807 Wed

Rimini protokolle

West eastern divan israel & Palestina

20240806 Tue

20240805 Mon

Nathan Thrall: ‘The scale and brutality of the Israeli response in Gaza hasn’t surprised me, no’


20240804 Sun

criminals and crime fighters – Mossad: Secret Service of Israel | Ep 1 | Full Documentary

Newsthink – How the Most Elite Spy Agency Operates

20240803 Sat

Germany desperately needs an AIPAC-style pro-Israel organizing model

Opinion: the German foreign ministry-funded German-Israel Friendship Association (DIG), with roughly 5,500 members limits their influence and ability to fight German anti-Israeli decisions and impact German politics


Archbishop of Canterbury statement on the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories | The Archbishop of Canterbury


20240802 Fri


20240801 Thu